Reservation - Chalet L'Anton

Chalet L'Anton
Summer 24
Saturday, Aug 24th 2024
Saturday, Aug 31st 2024
7 Nights
Please make sure you have read the property room and bed configurations in detail. (In certain properties beds may only be suitable for children).
As your check-in date is within 8 weeks, the full balance is due:
Accommodation Price
Chalet L'Anton - 7 Nights 3 400,00 €

Step 1: Your Details

To reserve this property, complete the form below:

Terms & Conditions

By proceeding you agree to our terms & conditions

Step 2: Payment Details

Proceed to Stripe to submit your payment details:

Please note: This is a reservation request that will be manually processed.

If the property is available we will process your payment and confirm your reservation. Alternatively we will contact you with other options available and your payment will not be processed.
